KLASICS 2024-01-20T02:11:08+00:00 Diah Indriastuti Open Journal Systems <p>KLASICS : Kendari Journal of Maritime and Holistic Nursing is a journal that covers certain issues in basic nursing, surgical medical nursing, neonatal and pediatric nursing, maternity nursing, psychiatric nursing, family nursing, gerontik nursing, community nursing, emergency nursing, and nursing management which focuses on maritime and holistic themes.</p> <p>KLASICS is one of the efforts to facilitate scientific work to be evidence based in the field of nursing and health in the maritime area or who use the Holistic approach.</p> <p>Klasics is under the auspices of the Research and Community Service Institute STIKes Karya Kesehatan which actively seeks to improve the level of public health welfare, especially in the maritime field.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>E-ISSN : 2774-6577</p> Relationship Between Cause, Degree, and Severity of Burns at Benyamin Guluh Kolaka Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi 2023-12-29T07:49:11+00:00 Risqi Wahyu Susanti Heriviyatno J. Siagan Bangu Bangu Evodius Nasus Risma Hafid <p>Burn injuries present a global public health concern, causing around 180,000 deaths annually, with the majority occurring in low- and middle-income countries. This study, conducted at Benyamin Guluh Hospital in Kolaka, aimed to explore the relationship between burn causes and burn degrees and severity. Among 31 participants, scalding was the predominant cause (61.3%), and a significant relationship was found between causes and burn degrees (p = 0.032, r = 0.235). However, no significant relationship was observed between causes and burn severity (p = 0.524, r = 0.143). Understanding these connections can inform targeted interventions for burn patients, especially in the Southeast Sulawesi region.</p> 2023-12-29T07:48:49+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Relationship of Mother’s Perception Of Exclusive Breast Feeding at Pomalaa Health Center 2023-12-29T08:20:53+00:00 Muliani Muliani Cholic Harun Rosjidi Ellyani Abadi Muhammad Uksim <p>The number of exclusive breastfeeding globally, although there has been an increase, this number has not increased significantly. One of the factors that influence exclusive breastfeeding is the value or attitude of the mother. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between mothers’ perceptions and exclusive breastfeeding at the Pomalaa Health Center. This research was carried out at the Pomalaa Health Center in June 2022 involving a sample of 51 respondents. The sampling technique used is the Saturated Sampling technique. Data collection used a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test with the help of a computer. The results showed that 21 people (41.2%) gave exclusive breastfeeding and 30 people (58.8%) did not and 25 people (49%) had good perceptions and 26 people (51 %) had poor perceptions and there was a relationship between mothers' perceptions of exclusive breastfeeding in the working area of the Pomalaa Health Center based on a ρ value of 0.001 (&lt;0.05). It is recommended that mothers add insight regarding the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for both children and mothers.</p> 2023-12-29T08:16:36+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## A Study on the Implementation of Storytelling Therapy on the Level of Hospitalization Anxiety in Preschool Children in the Emergency Room of Kendari City Regional General Hospital 2023-12-31T01:05:08+00:00 Siti Umrana Hilda Arini Masri Risnawati Risnawati <p><em>Kecemasan merupakan efek samping rawat inap yang dapat muncul pada usia anak yang terpapar rangsangan di lingkungan perawatan rumah sakit. Rawat inap adalah proses menerima perawatan dan perawatan di rumah sakit sampai kondisi anak membaik. Kecemasan pada anak yang mendapat perawatan di rumah sakit untuk pengobatan dapat memperpanjang terapi, memperburuk kecemasan, dan berdampak negatif pada kesehatan anak. Pengasuh dapat menggunakan terapi bercerita untuk membantu meningkatkan pemikiran anak dan mengalihkan pandangan mereka tentang stres ke lingkungan yang kurang menakutkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh penerapan terapi bercerita terhadap tingkat kecemasan pada anak usia dini yang disebabkan oleh rawat inap. Pendekatan penelitian ini merupakan penerapan studi kasus dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Bentuk desain yang digunakan adalah desain one-group pretest-posttest. Skala yang digunakan adalah SCAS (Spance Children's Anxiety Scale Preschool). Kecemasan rawat inap anak sebelum dan sesudah perawatan naratif dengan flashcard berbeda secara signifikan dan menunjukkan penurunan tingkat kecemasan setelah memberikan terapi mendongeng pada anak</em></p> 2023-12-30T14:43:59+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Social Factors and Family Attachment in Providing Early Breastfeeding Initiation 2024-01-01T05:40:55+00:00 Riska Mayangsari <p><strong><em>Abstract. </em></strong><em>The problem that Indonesia is currently facing is the incidence of stunting in children. The mother's mindset and support system, namely the family, especially the husband, is one of the causes of difficulties in giving breast milk to babies. This also influences the mother's initiation of breastfeeding from an early age or commonly known as Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD). This type of research is quantitative with a descriptive, retrospective study approach. The sampling technique used incidental sampling, namely 30 pregnant women according to the criteria at the Poasia Health Center, Kendari City KIA Polyclinic. The research was conducted in June - August 2018. The majority of respondents were involved in social organization activities, namely 70% (21 people), 20% (66 people) did not benefit from social activities, and had good relationships with other people, namely 100% (30 people), have good family ties, which is 100% (30 people), have a good relationship with the head of the family, which is 100% (30 people). Social factors and family attachment (kinship and social factors), show that mothers who have carried out Early Breastfeeding Initiation, namely providing support in terms of information and decision making, are influenced by several factors including Social Organizational Activities, the mother's relationship with other people and Family Attachment at the Poasia Health Center .</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Description of the Anxiety Level of Nurses for the Risk of Exposure to Covid -19 at the Wundulako Health Center 2024-01-20T02:11:08+00:00 Nisba Nisba Narmi Narmi Narmawan Narmawan <p><em>The anxiety experienced by nurses is the risk of being exposed, infected and including those closest to them because some nurses are required to self-isolate from those closest to them even though they are not infected with Covid-19. The purpose of this study is to describe the anxiety level of nurses regarding the risk of exposure to Covid-19 at the Wundulako Health Center. This research was conducted at the Wundulako Health Center in June 2022 involving a sample of 42 respondents. Collecting data using a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the age of the respondents was dominated by respondents aged 22-40 years as many as 28 people (66.7%), the length of work of the majority of respondents aged &gt; 5 years as many as 31 people (73.8%) and the education of the majority of respondents Diploma as many as 33 people. (78.6%) while anxiety is dominated by 30 respondents who are not anxious (71.4%). It is recommended that nurses are able to manage coping with anxiety experienced by nurses.</em></p> 2024-01-19T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##