Jurnal Ilmiah Karya Kesehatan https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK <p>Jurnal Ilmiah Karya Kesehatan adalah jurnal ilmiah khusus mahasiswa STIKes Karya Kesehatan yang terdiri dari hasil penelitian dari berbagai disiplin ilmu kesehatan yang bertujuan untuk mempublikasikan kepada masyarakat mengenai perkembangan evidence base dalam dunia kesehatan.</p> <p>Jurnal Ilmiah Karya Kesehatan memiliki Dewan Editor dan Mitra Bestari (Reviewer) OInternal yang kompeten di bidang ilmunya masing – masing terkait bidang keperawatan.</p> <p>E-ISSN: 2747-2108</p> en-US jikaryakes@gmail.com (Narmi) umispjiwa01@gmail.com (Umi Rachmawati Wasil Sardjan, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.J) Wed, 31 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Hubungan Waktu Tunggu pelayanan Dengan Kepuasan pada Pasien https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/921 <p><strong><em>Pendahuluan</em></strong><em>:</em> <em>Karena kesehatan merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat penting dan selalu menjadi perhatian masyarakat, maka kepuasan jangka pendek Metode: juga dikenal sebagai penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan, observasi, atau pengumpulan data secara simultan untuk menguji dinamika korelasi antara faktor risiko dan efek. Hasil: Tinjauan tersebut mengungkapkan korelasi yang kuat antara waktu tunggu administrasi dan kepatuhan pasien jangka pendek. Hal ini berdasarkan hasil uji chi square yang menunjukkan nilai 0,000 (0,05). Kesimpulan: Kepuasan rawat jalan berhubungan signifikan dengan waktu tunggu pelayanan..</em></p> <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Because has always been a concern for the community, the quality of services provided. Service and health have a strong connection because health is one of the most important things. Purpose: This study's objective at the Poasia Wellbeing Center is to determine the relationship between holding time and short-term patient compliance. Method design is a study that uses observation or simultaneous data collection to examine the dynamics of the correlation between risk factors and effects. Results: Outpatient satisfaction was strongly correlated with service waiting time, according to the findings. The chi square test result, which gives a value of 0.000 (0.05), serves as the foundation for this. Conclusion: In conclusion, service waiting teams have a significant impact on outpatient satisfaction.</p> Putri Novrianti, Narmi Narmi, Risnawati Risnawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/921 Wed, 31 May 2023 10:19:30 +0000 Pengaruh Perawatan Payudara Terhadap Pengeluaran ASI ibu Post Partum https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/944 <p><em>Perawatan payudara juga bertujuan untuk memelihara hygiene pada payudara sehingga memperkecil kemungkinan infeksi, melenturkan atau menguatkan putting susu sehingga bayi bisa menyusui dengan baik, mengeluarkan putting susu yang terbenam (inverted) serta merangsang sekresi hormone prolactin dan oksitosin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perawatan payudara terhadap pengeluaran ASI ibu post partum di RSU Benyamin Guluh Kolaka. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode the one group pretes-posttes design yang dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Bahteramas pada bulan Juni-Juli tahun 2022 dengan melibatkan sampel sebanyak 27 orang. Penarikan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum melakukan perawatan payudara, pengeluaran ASI yang lancar sebanyak 6 orang (22,2%) dan yang tidak lancar sebanyak 21 orang (77,8%) sedangkan setelah melakukan perawatan payudara, pengeluaran ASI yang lancar sebanyak 24 orang (88,9%) dan yang tidak lancar sebanyak 3 orang (11,1%). Disamping itu, terdapat pengaruh perawatan payudara terhadap pengeluaran ASI ibu post partum di RSU Benyamin Guluh Kolaka berdasarkan nilai ρ sebesar 0,000. Disarankan agar ibu menyusui sering melakukan perawatan payudara secara mandiri.</em></p> <p><em>Kata kunci : perawatan payudara, pengeluaran ASI, post partum</em><em>.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Absctract</strong>. <em>Gastritis, known as ulcers among people, attacks young people or teenagers. One of the Breast care also aims to maintain hygiene in the breasts so as to minimize the possibility of infection, to flex or strengthen the nipples so that the baby can breastfeed properly, to remove the inverted nipples and to stimulate the secretion of the hormone prolactin and oxytocin. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of breast care on the production of breast milk for post partum mothers at Benyamin Guluh Kolaka General Hospital. The type of research used is quantitative research with the one group pretest-posttest design method which was carried out at the Bahteramas General Hospital in June-July 2022 involving a sample of 27 people. Sampling using purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon's test. The results showed that before doing breast care, 6 people (22.2%) smooth milk production and 21 people (77.8%) non-smooth milk production, while after doing breast care, 24 people smooth breast milk expenditure (88 people). ,9%) and 3 people are not fluent (11,1%). In addition, there is an effect of breast care on the release of breast milk for post partum mothers at Benyamin Guluh Kolaka General Hospital based on the value of 0.000. It is recommended that breastfeeding mothers often do breast care independently.</em></p> Selfri L Usman, Mien Mien, Jenny Qlifianti ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/944 Wed, 31 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH EDUKASI MANAJEMEN DIABETES MELLITUS TERHADAP PENGETAHUAN PASIEN DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2 DI RUMAH SAKIT UMUM BAHTERAMAS PROVINSI SULAWESI TENGGARA https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/10.46233%2Fjikk.v3i02.868 <p><strong>JURNAL ILMIAH KARYA KESEHATAN&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><a href="https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/jikk"><u>https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/jikk</u></a></p> <p>Volume 03 | Nomor 02&nbsp; | Mei | 2020</p> <p>E-ISSN : 2747-2108</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Pengaruh Edukasi Manajemen Diabetes Mellitus terhadap Pengetahuan Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 di Rumah Sakit Umum Bahteramas Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara</strong></p> <p><strong>Pipi Yanti</strong><strong><sup>1</sup></strong><strong>, Narmawan</strong><strong><sup>2</sup></strong><strong>, Aluddin</strong><strong><sup>3</sup></strong></p> <p><strong><sup>1</sup></strong><strong>Mahasiswa Prodi S1 Keperawatan Stikes Karya Kesehatan</strong></p> <p><strong><sup>2</sup></strong><strong>Dosen Prodi S1 Keperawatan Stikes Karya Kesehatan</strong></p> <p><strong><sup>3</sup></strong><strong>Dosen Prodi D3 Keperawatan Stikes Karya Kesehatan </strong></p> <p><strong><sup>&nbsp;</sup></strong></p> <p><strong>Korespodensi :</strong></p> <p>Narmawan</p> <p>Prodi S1 Keperawatan, STIKES Karya Kesehatan</p> <p>Jln.&nbsp;A.H Nasution No. 89 Anduonohu</p> <p>Email: <a href="mailto:narmawanfebson@gmail.com"><u>narmawanfebson@gmail.com</u></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci : </strong>edukasi, manajemen DM, pengetahuan, DM Tipe 2.</p> <p><strong><em>Key</em></strong><strong><em>w</em></strong><strong><em>ord</em></strong><strong><em>s</em></strong><em>:education, DM management, knowledge, DM Type 2</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Abstrak.</strong><em>Masalah yang terjadi pada pasien DM Tipe 2 dapat dikendalikan apabila pasien melakukan manajemen diri terhadap penyakit dimana dapat menggambarkan perilaku secara sadar dan keinginan diri sendiri dalam mengontrol penyakit DM tipe 2. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh edukasi manajemen Diabetes Mellitus terhadap pengetahuan pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 di Rumah Sakit Umum Bahteramas Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode the one group pretes-posttes design yang dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Bahteramas pada bulan Juni-Juli tahun 2022 dengan melibatkan sampel sebanyak 27 orang. Penarikan sampel menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum diberikan edukasi (pre test) terdapat 9 orang (33,3%) yang memiliki pengetahuan baik dan ada 18 orang (66,7%) yang memiliki pengetahuan kurang sedangkan setelah diberikan edukasi (post test), pengetahuang responden yang baik menjadi 25 orang (92,6%) dan yang kurang hanya 2 orang (7,4%). Selain itu, hasil penelitian ini menemukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan yang bermakna antara sebelum edukasi dengan setelah edukasi sehingga terdapat pengaruh edukasi manajemen DM terhadap pengetahuan pasien DM Tipe 2 di RSU Bahteramas Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara berdasarkan nilai p sebesar sebesar 0,000 (&lt;0,05). Disarankan agar penderita DM Tipe 2 untuk melakukan manajemen DM baik sendiri maupun kelompok</em><em>.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Absctract</strong>. <em>Problems that occur in patients with Type 2 DM can be controlled if the patient performs self-management of the disease which can describe conscious behavior and self-desire in controlling type 2 DM. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Diabetes Mellitus management education on the knowledge of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients at Bahteramas General Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The type of research used is quantitative research with the one group pretest-posttest design method which was conducted at Bahteramas General Hospital in June-July 2022 involving a sample of 27 people. Sampling using accidental sampling technique. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon's test. The results showed that before being given education (pre test) there were 9 people (33.3%) who had good knowledge and there were 18 people (66.7%) who had less knowledge. good to 25 people (92.6%) and less than 2 people (7.4%). In addition, the results of this study found that there was a significant difference in knowledge between before education and after education so that there was an influence of DM management education on the knowledge of Type 2 DM patients at Bahteramas General Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi Province based on a p-value of 0.000 (&lt;0.05). It is recommended that people with Type 2 DM should perform DM management either alone or in groups</em><em>.</em></p> Pipi Yanti, Narmawan Narmawan, Herman Herman ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/10.46233%2Fjikk.v3i02.868 Wed, 31 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Fenomenologi Pandemic Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) bagi Perilaku Masyarakat di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tosiba Kecamatan Samaturu Kabupaten Kolaka https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/905 <p><em>The main spread of Covid-19 is from humans to other humans, namely the air when someone sneezes or coughs, whether directly or indirectly. Clinical symptoms that are often complained of by Covid-19 sufferers are dry cough, fever and fatigue, but sometimes they don't show symptoms. The purpose of this research is to know the phenomenology of pandemic corona virus disease (covid-19) for people's behavior in the working area of the Tosiba Health Center. In this study, the type of research was used, namely qualitative research which was designed in a descriptive manner which was carried out at the Tosiba Public Health Center in May-June 2022 involving 6 participants. Withdrawal of samples using purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed using taxonomic analysis using data verification namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the research, namely the knowledge and attitudes of the community regarding the pandemic corona virus disease (covid-19) for the community in the Tosiba Health Center work area are good.</em></p> Sentosa Sentosa, Mien Mien, Jenny Qlifianti ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/905 Wed, 31 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Hubungan Pengalaman dan Dukungan Keluarga Terhadap Kecemasan Ibu Dengan Anak Yang Menjalani Hospitalisasi di Rumah Sakit Benyamin Guluh, Kabupaten Kolaka https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/885 <p><strong>Abstrak</strong>. Proses terstruktur atau di fasilitas perawatan darurat untuk rehabilitasi dan perawatan sampai anak tersebut dapat kembali. Anak-anak prasekolah biasanya adalah orang-orang yang mengalami ketakutan akan rumah sakit; biasanya, kecemasan akan perpisahan muncul ketika seorang anak harus meninggalkan lingkungan yang mereka kenal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kecemasan ibu pada anak yang dirawat inap di RSUD Benyamin Guluh Kabupaten Kolaka terkait pengalaman dan dukungan keluarga. Melalui akses, observasi, atau pengumpulan data, studi ini bersifat cross-sectional, yang bermaksud menganalisis dinamika keterkaitan antara faktor risiko dan dampaknya. Sebanyak 47 pasien anak di Rumah Sakit Benyamin Guluh, berusia 0 hingga 17 tahun, menjadi populasi penelitian. Total Sampling adalah metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan. Kuesioner digunakan dalam strategi pengumpulan data untuk variabel independen dan dependen. Hasil uji eksak Fisher menghasilkan nilai p (0,464) dan interval kepercayaan 95% (0,05). Akibatnya nilai p (0,464) &gt; (0,05). Dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa H0 diterima, artinya tidak ada hubungan antara pengalaman hospitalisasi dengan kecemasan ibu dan anak yang berada di rumah sakit. Temuan Fisher Exact Test memiliki nilai p sebesar 0,104 dan tingkat kepercayaan 95% sebesar 0,05. Akibatnya nilai p (0,104) &gt;.</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Absctract</em></strong> <em>Structured process or in an emergency care facility for rehabilitation and care until the child can return. Preschoolers are usually people who experience a fear of hospitals; typically, separation anxiety kicks in when a child has to leave their familiar surroundings. The purpose of this study was to find out how the anxiety of mothers in children who are hospitalized at Benyamin Guluh Hospital in Kolaka Regency is related to experience and family support. Through access, observation, or data collection, this study is cross-sectional in nature, which intends to analyze the dynamics of the relationship between risk factors and their impact. A total of 47 pediatric patients at Benyamin Guluh Hospital, aged 0 to 17 years, became the study population. Total Sampling is the sampling method used. The questionnaire is used in the data collection strategy for the independent and dependent variables. Fisher's exact test results yield a p value (0.464) and a 95% confidence interval (0.05). As a result, the p value (0.464) &gt; (0.05). It can be concluded that H0 is accepted, meaning that there is no relationship between the experience of hospitalization and the anxiety of mothers and children who are in the hospital. The findings of the Fisher Exact Test have a p-value of 0.104 and a 95% confidence level of 0.05. As a result, the value of p (0.104) &gt;.</em></p> Nurmawati Sinda, I Wayan Romantika, Habib Ihsan ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/885 Wed, 31 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Hubungan Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Dan Kelelahan Kerja Dengan Siklus Menstruasi Pasangan Usia Subur Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tinanggea https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/884 <p><strong><em>Abstrak.</em></strong> <em>Pasangan Usia Subur (</em><em>Pus)</em><em> adalah suami dan istri yang menikah secara sah, yang istrinya berusia antara 15 dan 49 tahun. Otoritas publik saat ini mempermudah pasangan usia subur untuk memutuskan strategi pencegahan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Status pekerjaan dapat mempengaruhi partisipasi penggunaan kontrasepsi karena terdapat faktor lingkungan kerja yang mendorong seseorang untuk berpartisipasi dalam pengaturan keluarga, sehingga secara tidak langsung akan mempengaruhi keadaan dengan penggunaan preventif</em><em>. </em><em>Adakah hubungan penggunaan kontrasepsi dan kelelahan kerja dengan siklus menstruasi pasangan usia subur di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tinanggea</em><em>. </em><em>Konfigurasi eksplorasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah laporan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik Cross Sectional Review. Hasil pemeriksaan yang dilakukan di Kecamatan Ngapaaha, Kawasan Tinanggea pada 21-23 Juli 2022 dengan melibatkan 79 responden lansia.</em> <em>Konsekuensi dari eksplorasi yang diarahkan oleh uji Chi-Square diperoleh nilai p sebesar 0,000 &lt; 0,05 yang berarti ada hubungan yang sangat besar antara jenis kontrasepsi dalam siklus siklus.</em> <em>Konsekuensi dari review yang dilakukan dengan uji Chi-Square, didapatkan nilai p sebesar 0,005 &lt; 0,05, terdapat korelasi sangat besar antara_kelelahan kerja dengan_siklus.</em> <em>Dipercaya bahwa kerangka tersebut akan lebih mengingatkan mereka tentang skrining perencanaan keluarga dan hasil positif dan negatif dari penggunaan kontrasepsi.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Abstract.</em></strong><em> Couples of Reproductive Age (Pus) are husband and wife who are legally married, whose wife is between 15 and 49 years old. Public authorities are now making it easier for couples of childbearing age to decide on prevention strategies that suit their needs. Employment status can affect participation in contraceptive use because there are work environment factors that encourage a person to participate in family settings, so that it will indirectly affect the situation with preventive use. Is there a relationship between contraceptive use and work fatigue with the menstrual cycle of couples of childbearing age in the working area of ​​the Tinanggea Health Center. The exploratory configuration used in this study is a quantitative report using the Cross Sectional Review technique. The results of an examination conducted in Ngapaaha District, Tinanggea Region on 21-23 July 2022 involving 79 elderly respondents. As a consequence of the exploration directed by the Chi-Square test, a p-value of 0.000 &lt;0.05 was obtained, which means that there is a very large relationship between types of contraceptives in cycles. The consequence of the review was carried out using the Chi-Square test, a p-value of 0.005 &lt;0.05 was obtained, there was a very large correlation between work fatigue and cycles. It is believed that the framework will better remind them of family planning screening and the positive and negative outcomes of contraceptive use.</em></p> WISMOYO WISNU WARDANA, Muhammad Syahwal, Tahiruddin , ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/884 Wed, 31 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Hubungan Antara Persepsi Keluarga Tentang Status Pasien Dengan Kebutuhan Informasi Di Ruang Keperawatan Kritis RSUD Kota Kendari https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/832 <p><strong>Abstrak.</strong> <em>Pasien sakit kritis adalah pasien yang keadaannya tidak stabil secara menyeluruh yang mengalami respon hipermetabolik kompleks terhadap trauma, dan rasa sakit yang dialaminya dapat mengubah metabolisme&nbsp; hormonal, imun, dan nutrisi tubuh. Ketika pasien sakit&nbsp; dan di rawat di ruang keperawatan kritis, keluarga pasien memiliki berbagai kebutuhan termasuk kepastian, kedekatan, informasi, kenyamanan dan dukungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis hubungan persepsi tentang kondisi pasien dengan kebutuhan informasi keluarga di ruang keperawatan kritis RSUD Kota Kendari dengan menggunakan&nbsp; sampel sebanyak 83 responden yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan keluarga yang mempersepsikan pasien dalam keadaan gawat sebanyak 75,9% menyatahkan bahwa kebutuhan informasinya tentang pengobatan. Sementara itu sebanyak 56% keluarga yang mempersipsikan pasien dalam keadan ringan membutuhkan informasi tentang non pengobatan. Hasil uji statistic dengan analis Chi-square menunjukan bahwa nilai p-value= 0,005. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara persepsi kelurga tentang kondisi pasien dengan kebutuhan informasi di ruang keperawatan kritis RSUD Kota Kendari. Untuk itu perawat perlu mengetahui kebutuhan informasi apa saja yang ingin diketahui oleh keluarga pasien.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong><em>&nbsp;Critically ill patients are patients whose overall unstable state experiences a complex hypermetabolic response to trauma, and the pain they experience can alter the body's hormonal, immune, and nutritional metabolism.When the patient is in a period of serious illness in the critical care room, the patient's family has various needs related to reassurance, closeness, information, comfort, and support for them.</em><em>.</em><em> The study used a cross-sectional design with a sample size of 83 respondents. The data was collected using purposive sampling technique. Collecting data using a questionnaire and data analysis using the chi square test with an alpha of 0.05. The results of the study illustrate that families who perceive patients in an emergency condition 75.9% of them need information about treatment. There are 56% of families who perceive patients in a mild condition need information about non-treatment. The results showed that there was a relationship between the family's perception of the patient's condition and the need for information in the critical nursing room of the </em><em>RSUD Kota </em><em>Kendari. The conclusion of this study is the need for information associated with family perceptions.</em></p> <p><strong><br> </strong> <strong><br> </strong></p> narti wati, Cholik Harun Rosjidi, Hasrima 3 ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/832 Wed, 31 May 2023 15:20:21 +0000 Hubungan Pengetahuan Tentang Covid-19 Dengan Kepatuhan Protokol Kesehatan pada Siswa Kelas XI https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/838 <p><strong>Absctract</strong> <em>Crisis Center of Indonesian Ministry of Health stated that until April 2022 in Southeast Sulawesi Province, 25,550 people were confirmed positive for Covid-19 with 565 cases of death, in Konawe Selatan Regency there were 1,261 people with Covid-19 with 35 deaths. The increase in Covid-19 instances can be prevented if the community has a good understanding and knowledge, especially in the youth group, knowledge about Covid-19 is interpreted as a result of knowing from the public about the disease, how to prevent, treat and complications that may occur after exposure to a disease. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and adherence to the Covid-19 health protocol in class XI students at SMA Negeri 8 Konawe Selatan. This type of research is quantitative with a cross-sectional study design with a sample of 66 students. The results of the study describe students' knowledge of covid-19 in the good category as many as 54 people (54%) and the category of lack of knowledge about covid-19 as many as 12 people (18.2%). Adherence to the health protocol in the obedient category was 21 people (31.8%) and the less compliant category was 45 people (68.2%). The results of the statistical test obtained a p value = 0.4 (&gt; 0.05) meaning that there was no relationship between knowledge about COVID-19 and student compliance with health protocols. It is recommended to the school that before starting the learning process always remind students about covid-19 and compliance with post-pandemic health protocols according to government instructions as a form of joint vigilance</em><em>.</em></p> Henny Rachmawati Tamburaka, Siti Umrana, Muhaimin Saranani ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/838 Wed, 31 May 2023 15:36:21 +0000 Hubungan Self Care Management Dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Diabetes Melitus Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Poasia Kota Kendari https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/878 <p><strong>Abstrak. </strong><strong><em>Pendahuluan</em></strong><em> :</em> <em>Diabetes Mellitus (DM) adalah kondisi kronis di mana kadar glukosa darah meningkat karena pankreas tidak mampu memproduksi insulin. DM terus meningkat, termasuk di Indonesia, selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Penderita DM harus menjaga diri dengan baik karena hal tersebut sangat umum terjadi. Tujuan: di Puskesmas Poasia Kota Kendari untuk mengetahui bagaimana self care berdampak pada kualitas hidup penderita DM. Metode: Tujuan dari studi cross-sectional kuantitatif ini adalah untuk menentukan apakah manajemen perawatan diri berhubungan dengan kualitas hidup pasien DM. Hasil: Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pasien diabetes melitus di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kota Kendari memiliki manajemen perawatan diri yang kurang baik dengan skor 27 (56,2%). Pasien diabetes melitus di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Poasia Kota Kendari memiliki kualitas hidup cukup atau kurang dari cukup dengan skor 17 (35,4%). Hasil uji statistik chi-square diperoleh nilai P sebesar 0,003 (0,05). Kesimpulan: Pada poin ini terdapat hubungan antara kualitas hidup penderita diabetes melitus di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Poasia Kota Kendari dengan manajemen perawatan diri.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong>Absctract</strong><strong>Introduction :</strong> <em>Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic condition in which blood glucose levels rise because the pancreas is unable to produce insulin. DM has continued to rise, including in Indonesia, over the past few years. DM sufferers must take good care of themselves because it is so common. Purpose: at the Poasia Community Health Center in Kendari City to find out how self-care impacts the quality of life of DM patients. Method: The aim of this quantitative cross-sectional study was to determine whether self-care management and DM patients' quality of life are linked. Results: The study found that diabetes mellitus patients in the Kendari City Public Health Center's working area had poor self-care management with a score of 27 (56.2%). Diabetes mellitus patients in the working area of the Poasia Public Health Center in Kendari City have a quality of life that is adequate or less than adequate with a score of 17 (35.4%). The results of the chi-square statistical test had a P value of 0.003 (0.05). Conclusion: At this point, there is a connection between diabetes mellitus patients' quality of life in the working area of the Poasia Health Center in Kendari City and self-care management.</em></p> Safia Almaida, Muh Jasmin, Herman Herman ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://stikesks-kendari.e-journal.id/JIKK/article/view/878 Wed, 31 May 2023 15:52:32 +0000