Pengaruh Terapi Jalan Kaki Dengan Posisi Ergonomik Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita Hipertensi

  • Dila puspita stikes karya kesehatan
  • Tahiruddin Tahiruddin Prodi S1 Keperawatan STIKES Karya Kesehatan
  • Narmawan Narmawan Prodi S1 Keperawatan STIKES Karya Kesehatan
Keywords: terapi jalan kaki, posisi ergonomik, tekanan darah


The increasing prevalence of hypertension hasianiimpact onithe economy and productivity of the nation, thereby increasing morbidity and mortality rates. This is a big challenge in health services. Oneiofithe Ifactorsithatiinfluence the incidenceiofihypertensioniisiphysical activityisuchiasiwalkingiand igymnastics. The purpose of this istudy was to determine the ieffect iof walking therapy with an ergonomic position onireducingbloodipressure in hypertension sufferers in Padalaa Village, Menui Islands District, Morowali Regency. This research uses a pre-experimental design with a pre test and post test design approach involving 27 people as a sample. The sample withdrawal technique uses purposive sampling techniques. The instruments used are observational sheets using iprimary and secondary data. iData analysis consists of iunivariateiand ibivariate, namely the Wilcoxon test test. Theiresultsiof thisistudy indicate that the medium value (min-max) of systolic blood pressure before is 157 (147-208) mmHg and after 138 (119-189) mmHg iwith a value of 0.000 (<0.05) while the medium value (min -max) diastolic blood ipressure before is 93 (82-100) mmHg and after 86 (69-98) mmHg with a ivalue of 0.000 (<0.05) iwhich means that ithere is an effect iof walking therapyi in an ergonomic position to decrease blood pressure in hypertension sufferers in Padaal Village, Menui Islands District, Morowali Regency based on the value of (<0.05).

